
How are you off the deck?

Michael Whitby

18 July 2022

TaylorMade Stealth rescue

Are you finding that, as you’re getting older, you can’t quite hit it as far as you used to? Or maybe you’re a young gun who looks at a par-5 green and thinks ‘I want to make that in two’ but can’t quite get there. Well, oddly enough, you might both have the same solution!


Avoid the rabbit hole

Sometimes a long-iron just won’t reach and a fairway wood is too much (or too hard to hit off the deck). That could take us a down a ‘gapping’ rabbit hole, but that’s not what we want to talk about today, because we’re focusing on how hybrids can play a major role on your scorecard.

A green that used to be reachable with your irons but no longer is can still be hit with your hybrid, as is the par-5 that’s just slightly too far to go for glory. In fact, with TaylorMade’s Stealth rescues, it could even be easier to hit that green because not only are they built for easy distance, the V-Steel soles help the club glide through the turf smoothly for easy, consistent contact. And, equally importantly, the high launch also helps with ‘stopping power’ to ensure your ball actually takes a chair and sits down when you find the dancefloor.

TaylorMade Stealth rescues

Stealth options

We’re absolutely smitten with these rescues, so it’s pretty handy that they’re available from #3 all the way through to #7; giving you the chance to pick & choose which set-up of recues will yield the best results for your game.

If you’re not sure how to do that yourself, unfortunately you’re going to need PGA Professional to help… Oh wait, that’s us! Yeah, and we’d be more than happy to custom fit those rescues, although the most fun part is actually hearing about how much they’ve lowered your score.

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